The Space Trilogy
Three novels comprise Ann Carol Ulrich's Space Trilogy. The first novel, INTIMATE ABDUCTION, tells the story of a young concert pianist who wakes up one winter morning unable to understand anything anyone says. She is admitted into the psychiatric ward of the hospital where, after a traumatic couple of weeks, discovers another person who has the same syndrome. She soon learns that a conspiracy has occurred which involves beings from space disguised as human doctors. Unable to resist her attraction to the alien doctor Serassan, Johanna finds she has fallen in love with an him and will soon be taken to a cloaked ship in the mountains destined for an outer world in another solar system.
ISBN 978-0944851-06-7 Revised edition October 2021
Paperback $11.95 Kindle ebook $3.99
Available on Amazon or purchase from Earth Star
The second book in The Space Trilogy continues with Johanna's brother, Manley Dobbs, running a UFO Contact Center in DeKalb, Illinois, where he meets a walk-in, Kapri, and then Dorothy Myers, seeking support after her terrifying experience of being abducted late at night off Interstate 80. On Karos, Johanna and Serassan have started a new life together, but must return to Earth on a secret mission to save humankind.
ISBN 978-0944851-06-7 Revised edition November 2021
Paperback $11.95 Kindle ebook $3.99
Available on Amazon or purchase from Earth Star
In the final segment in The Space Trilogy, a generation has passed and Johanna and Serassan's teen-aged daughter, Crystal Dobbs, is feeling rebellious urges on the planet Karos. Meanwhile on Earth, her cousin Blake Dobbs, son of Manley and Dorothy, is not happy with his parents' decision to move to the Four Corners area. Blake meets the "Light Being" in what he thinks is a lucid dream, but soon realizes "L.B." is real when Earth enters the Photon Belt and the family gets stranded in the dark in the middle Nebraska. Dorothy ends up in a concentration camp while Manley manages to escape the helicopters and is stumbling around in a cornfield, lost in the seemingly endless night. The Light Being assists them, but his goal is to reunite with his Twin Soul on Karos.
ISBN 978-0944851-23-4 Revised edition December 2021
Paperback $14.95 Kindle ebook $4.99
Available on Amazon or purchase from Earth Star