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Stranded On Earth


The Story of a Roswell Crash Survivor

by Sanni Emyetti Ceto


One Stormy Night

       The night cycle was upon us. We cruised dangerously near the military base. In the distance there was a turbulent thunderstorm battering the atmosphere. Brilliant flashes of electricity erupted spontaneously -- here, there and all around -- unpredictable and shattering.

      “The mother ship is signaling,” announced Naylaiu (Nay-loo). “They are asking that we retreat.”

      Without emotion I stared at my screen. It was my duty to maintain defenses. My mind interfaced with the computer at all times during flight. To break that concentration -- even for a moment -- could spell disaster.

      “Tell them we acknowledge,” I told Naylaiu.

      My ship was on a purely scientific mission to study, observe and collect living specimens. In our storage compartments we had live animals, plants, rocks, soil and water to take back with us to the Home World. We had collected mostly single-celled animals, bacteria, mold and such, and had advanced up to birds, small mammals and fish. On the Home World we would bioengineer these specimens to adapt them to our planet and our environment.

      Naylaiu projected her thoughts again to me. She was deeply concerned. “Lieutenant, these facilities have all been catalogued. I suggest we leave the area. That storm over the desert is extremely ominous.”

      It was, in fact, the worst storm we had encountered on the Terran world. We didn’t know at the time that humans were experimenting with a new kind of radar technology. I stood at my computer console with my arms outstretched and my hands up against the tilted screen. I did not look at Naylaiu, but tried to reassure her. “We won’t be in any danger, Naylaiu. I just want to have a closer look.”

      “They won’t pick us up on their radar,” Kiayha (Ki-ya) reminded us, “but there is always danger of observation when our ships come this close.”

      The other two crew members, Shienyah (Shen-ya) and Lorkiah (Lor-ka), stood behind me as they concentrated on their panels. They said nothing, but I detected their concern as well. Still, I wanted to fly over the base.


 The crew of five aboard my ship that crashed


     The lightning storm was now in full force. The sky danced with electrical surges and angry clouds billowed and threatened the cowering earth below. To me it was an exciting spectacle and we were in the midst of it. I guided our little delta-shaped craft even nearer to that which was forbidden.

      “Sanni, the shadow ship is signaling again,” Naylaiu informed me. “They want us to pull away... now.”

      The protective forcefield that surrounded our ship, as well as the sister craft that was following us, was in my total control. It was our life line to safety and security in this major electrical event. I suppose a part of me -- the thrill seeker -- was what had led me to dare coming this close.

      We were not supposed to be there. As a matter of fact, we were violating the orders of the Council by coming to Earth in the first place. Earth was strictly off-limits to all space craft, but my desire to lead a specimen-collecting scientific expedition there had been just too tempting to let a little thing such as Federation rules and regulations stop me.

      My crew of four colleagues had tried to talk me out of this, but in the end I had convinced them it was safe and we would get away with it. After all, it wasn’t my first field trip. We had been on five flights beforehand. And the ship behind us, sharing the forcefield, had agreed to accompany us against their commander’s better judgment, because they knew I had succeeded at ignoring the establishment before.

      Being scientists from Zeta Reticuli, we were all indelibly curious by nature. A series of nuclear tests being performed around White Sands and in the ocean on Earth had attracted the attention of many in space. Humans on Earth were playing around with Atom. They were detonating bombs and they did not realize the consequences of their actions.

      These detonations were what had originally led our people to Earth, to observe and to study. We wanted to know why Earth people were performing nuclear tests and why they would use this technology for war purposes instead of peaceful endeavors.

      As a result, we came and studied all of Earth’s cultures, all the different languages, and visited all the major cities. We made several flyovers of this particular desert region before the Council made the decision to quarantine the planet.

      “Sanni, I think we should break away.” There was urgency in Naylaiu’s telephathic words.          “Please...”

      Shienyah behind me shrieked. “Look at that!” she cried.

      “What is it?” asked Lorkiah.

      Startled by their interaction, I turned my head to see what Shienyah was indicating on her panel, and just at that moment the connection to my computer was interrupted. The forcefield went down.

      In that split second a bolt of lightning hit us. When the forcefield went down, the field surrounding the entire vehicle was left vulnerable. This caused electricity in the atmosphere to be drawn to the hull of the ship. The sister craft behind us went down first. A second later, the discharge of electricity was attracted to our hull, just like a moth to a flame, and then we went down.

      All I remember is a loud explosion and a brilliant white light that filled our entire craft.


      The next thing I remember is lying on my back on the cold, damp ground. I was facing up toward the dark sky and behind me was a huge boulder. I could see the stars between some drifting clouds, and cold raindrops pelted my body. All around me were the pitiful cries from my four crew members. They were in pain and they continued to wail and cry for what seemed an eternity.

      Then everything grew silent. The smoke smell was thick in the night air, and I detected ozone from the burning instruments that had been aboard my ship. The quiet was unnerving. I tried to move, but I could barely lift my finger or turn my head. I couldn’t move my leg or arm on my left side, and it hurt really bad. I knew that my head was injured from the horrible pain. I faded in and out of consciousness.

      The rain came and went. Eventually it stopped altogether. I remember losing consciousness briefly, but feeling as though something brought me out of it. It was a sort of warmth, and it caused me to open my eyes. I saw a star in the sky, coming up over the horizon, and I remember thinking how odd that there was only one star -- not two -- and then recalled that this was Earth and not my home world. On my world there are two day stars, or suns, and now it was the day cycle.

      I was lying there, helpless, unable to move, observing the scenery around me -- desert and rocks -- and then I blacked out again. When I came to, there was a noise and I saw a creature a few yards from me. I could see a creature with four legs and two heads, with two bodies joined together. It leaned over as if to get a better look at me. Then, suddenly, it took off really fast. Later I would figure out that it was a man sitting on top of a horse. I remember he wore a black hat. And it seemed as though he watched me for a long time before he turned and galloped off in such haste.

      The day star grew hotter and I kept passing in and out, in and out of consciousness.

My next recollection was that it was again the dark cycle. I could hear noises -- machines getting closer -- machines roaring and grinding their way up the hillside. Then, the next thing I knew, somebody was picking me up and dragging me by my arms and plopping me onto the ground. My head turned to the side and I looked out of my eye to see that I was up against my four dead crew members. We were all in a row.

      The people who came had these crates that were long and rectangular shaped, and they arranged them in a circle around us. I heard several people laughing and somebody kicked me. It was a big creature. They talked in this funny language that I didn’t understand. I didn’t know what they were saying.

      I must have passed out again, because the next thing I remember was being jolted back from out of my body by some cold stuff. I was put into this plastic wrapper and there was cold stuff in it. They picked it up and I was thinking, What is this? I can’t see, and I’ve got all this cold stuff around me. Then I was being zippered up, closed inside this bag with the cold stuff surrounding me.

      Then I felt myself moving. I was being transported down the winding road or path the machines had come up. When I came to again, I was inside this building. Someone had unzippered the bag I was in and I had a fairly good view of inside the building.

      My guide, Khinyeo, appeared then in his astral form. A Zeta Reticulan, he stood before me and made me step outside my body. I hovered in the air inside of this building, which was round. There was a round roof on it, and I could see all these people working around me. It was hot and some of them had removed their shirts. They were busy putting things in piles. Everything was being sorted and catalogued as to size and shape.

      “Observe, child,” Khinyeo told me. “Pay attention to what you are looking at.”

      “But, Khinyeo... why?”

      He was firm and authoritative. “Because you will remember all of this.” Then he led me outside the building and showed me how they were taking metal and equipment in very large boxes and crates and loading them onto vehicles with wheels. Then the vehicles with wheels took the crates to the big silver birds. There were two big silver birds in the distance, and these crates were being loaded onto them.

      As I was hovering over the bag with my body packed in the cold medium, someone came over and zipped the bag back up. Then they placed it in a crate with cedar chips or sawdust, and they packed the other four crew members like that, too. On the sides of the crates they had imprinted MUNITIONS or ORDNANCE. They apparently didn’t want to arouse suspicion as to the crates’ true contents. Then they placed those on the silver bird.

      I was able to observe all of this outside my body.

      Then Khinyeo made me return to my body. The next thing I remember was being on this cold table after we arrived at our destination. I happened to move my head ever so slightly, and then I heard a bunch of noise. The big creatures dressed in white were shouting and yelling to one another. Soon there were dozens of them surrounding the table I was on. After they removed my uniform and boots, I had tubes shoved up me. Tubes were shoved up my mouth and up my unmentionable places. They began putting stuff on me, trying to check my heart, blood pressure and all that stuff.

      Mostly what I remember is that the room didn’t smell good. It smelled like death.


Stranded crew.jpg

Order your copy of STRANDED ON EARTH
by Sanni Emyetti Ceto
ISBN 978-0944851-22-7    Paperback $16.00  or ebook $6.95
For more information, email Earth Star

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