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Sales Directory for Earth Star Books

To purchase one of Earth Star's books, please click the link to

the title you desire. You will be directed to a page outside this website.

Or ... you can send (see address below) a check made out to EARTH STAR for the price of the book plus $3.00 for postage cost. If you need to contact us directly, please email or send written correspondence to our mailing address:


PO Box 267

Eckert, CO 81418



Metaphysical Titles

50 Case Studies in Modern Palmistry


Intimate Abduction (Space Trilogy #1)


Into the Wild Blue and Beyond


The Light Being (Space Trilogy #3)


Permutation, A True UFO Story


Return To Terra (Space Trilogy #2)


Sheri's Sixth Sense


Stranded On Earth, The Story of a

     Roswell Crash Survivor


Throughout All Time, A Cosmic Love Story


We Are Among You Already


Zeti Child, Lost Upon a One Star World


Romance, Mystery

All the Bad Stuff Comes in Threes


Baby Skulls and Fowl Odors


The Climbing Dog Affair


The Dream Chasers


Hidden Treasure (or) Where is Jesus?


Night of the November Moon


Rainbow Majesty


Sonata Summer


Stepping Forth, An American Girl

   Coming of Age in the '60s (nonfiction)




Miscellaneous Titles

Young Adult Titles

Black Pearls, A Love Story


Choices, Regrets, Changes


Deprivation (short stories)


A Dog Named Ranger


Fractured Minds and Lost Souls




Night of the White Raven


Pure Vengeance (short stories)


Return to the Old Henderson Mine


Secrets of Sleeping Indian Mountain


The Unexplainable (short stories)

The Ground Hog Mystery (AV #6)


In the Shadow of the Tower (AV #5)


The Legend of the Lantern (AV #4)


The Mystery at Hickory Hill (AV #1)


The Pouting Pumpkin Mystery (AV #3)


Prom Night (AV #8)


The Secret of the Green Paint (AV #2)


Spring Break at the Lake House (AV #8)


Children's Fiction

Ancient Secrets in the Garden


BaBa Ali and His Magical Pajamas


The Back Yard of Clara the Clutz




The Root Cellar Mystery








A few of the above titles (colored ORANGE) are not linked to Amazon, but may be purchased directly from the publisher. Please inquire or request further information about anything by emailing

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